We offer a free consultation for you from the safety and comfort of your home with a Virtual meeting.

We offer a free consultation for you from the safety and comfort of your home with a Virtual meeting.

Angela Scarlato and Associates Attorneys at Law, P.C.

FREE Initial Consultation

By Appointment
Evenings Available


By Appointment
Evenings Available

Over 30 Years of Experience
Family Law and Divorce

A+ BBB Accredited Business Rating as of Oct 15 2019 | Click for profile

Victims of Abuse Can Seek Legal Protection

If you or your children are being physically abused and are in danger of imminent harm or otherwise fear for your life, call the police immediately. Domestic violence is a problem that can go hand-in-hand with divorce and other familial disputes. Victims of domestic violence have rights and can seek protection from their abusers through something called an “order of protection.”

Brooklyn Attorney Assisting With Orders of Protection

If you are a victim of spousal abuse, you can take immediate legal action to protect yourself and your children. Contact a Brooklyn lawyer at Angela Scarlato & Associates, P.C., P.C., today and talk to us about obtaining an order of protection.

Do Not Wait to Seek Protection From Your Abuser

If you, or your children, are a victim of physical abuse by your spouse, domestic partner, family member or “intimate relation,” we will work to obtain an order of protection and, when appropriate, an order excluding that individual from your home. While emotional abuse may be as devastating as physical abuse, it is more difficult to prove and to obtain an order of exclusion from your home.

The standard of proof required to exclude your spouse is that it has become “unsafe or improper” to remain in the same residence.

At Angela Scarlato & Associates, P.C., we understand that men, as well as women, can be the victims of domestic abuse. Our attorneys will zealously represent you with compassion and understanding. We do not judge you; we take the appropriate legal measures to protect you and your children from abusive people.

Contact Us for Confidential and Compassionate Legal Help

For a free initial consultation with a lawyer at Angela Scarlato & Associates, P.C., call 718-683-1780 or contact us online